Artificial embodied agents

Artificial embodied agents

Artificial embodied intelligent agents such as social robots have been used as effective pedagogical tools for young children leading to both cognitive and affective gains. Studies have also demonstrated how children model a robotic peer’s learning behaviors such as curiosity, perseverance and growth mindset.

Robots have been used in the classroom to foster creativity in children. Construction kits such as LEGO® MINDSTORMS® aim to teach children about robotics and allow for creative expression.

Smartphone apps, such as Robot Commander, are available to enable students to interact with robots in the classroom.

Robot Commander is the official command app from LEGO® MINDSTORMS®. FREE to download on most smart devices; Robot Commander connects via Bluetooth to the EV3 Intelligent Brick. This easy to use app allows you to interact with your very own EV3 robots without even connecting to a computer! That means you can play instantly with your own robots!

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